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Create Complex NSG – PowerShell

Live in Future - Live in Cloud

Create Complex NSG – PowerShell

Creating NSG in azure is easy unless you want to create multiple NSG with multiple inbound and outbound security rules. Here is a simple way to create that.

First open Microsoft Excel and create a .CSV file by following this format: Please do not change the format. Then save the file in CSV format.

Once you are raedy with the CSV file run bellow command. Don’t forget to login and select right subscription

#Mentioned the CSV path here
$nsgCsv = Import-Csv "C:\Users\BaselineNSG.csv"
$nsgName = 'Subhendu-NSG'
$resourceGroup = 'TestRG'
$RGLocation = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -name $resourceGroup).Location

$rulesArray = @()
#create rule config
foreach ($rule in $nsgCsv)
$nsgRule = New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name $rule.Name `
-Description $rule.Description `
-Protocol $rule.Protocol `
-SourcePortRange ($rule.SourcePortRange -split ',') `
-DestinationPortRange ($rule.DestinationPortRange -split ',') `
-SourceAddressPrefix ($rule.SourceAddressPrefix -split ',') `
-DestinationAddressPrefix ($rule.DestinationAddressPrefix -split ',') `
-Access $rule.Access `
-Priority $rule.Priority `
-Direction $rule.Direction
$rulesArray += $nsgRule
#create nsg
New-AzureRmNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $nsgNames -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -Location $RGLocation -SecurityRules $rulesArray

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